
Choose the type of packaging you want to use. You can use a bag, a box, or any other type of packaging that is commonly used for coffee.Find a template for your chosen type of packaging. There are many templates available online that you can use as a starting point. Make sure the template is the correct size for your packaging.Design the artwork for your packaging. This could include your logo, brand name, and any other graphics or text you want to include. You can use design software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to create your artwork.Once you have your design, place it onto the packaging template. Make sure the design fits within the boundaries of the template and looks the way you want it to.Repeat the previous steps for any additional packaging types you want to include in your mockup. For example, if you want to show both a bag and a box, you would repeat the process for each type of packaging.Combine the packaging mockups into a single image. You can do this using design software, such as Photoshop. Place each packaging type onto a separate layer and arrange them in the way you want them to appear in the final image.Adjust the lighting and shadows to make the packaging mockup look more realistic. You can do this using various tools in your design software.Save your final mockup image in a format that is suitable for your needs. For example, you may want to save it as a high-resolution JPEG or PNG file.Congratulations! You now have a combined coffee packaging mockup that you can use to showcase your coffee products.