
If trying to graphically display a threat or parameter is tougher than overcooked pumpkin pie, NextGen Threat Bars is here to soften the task and make displaying the significance of something much easier on the eyes for the viewer and the brain of the forecaster or designer.NextGen Threat Bars utilize the widely understood grey-green-yellow-orange-red-purple color scheme to display low to extreme visually, and uses a darkening effect and arrow to suggest where the level is currently.Included with NextGen Threat Bars is two design variations, one without text designations and just the selector arrow, and another with text designations for each level on the bar. Each of these design variations includes .PNGs for each level, totaling out to 51 .PNGs to pick and choose from while creating your outlook.NextGen Threat Bars includes:27 PNGs without text24 PNGs with text1 primary PSD