
In T49: Rebound, a return to the more traditional style in forecast templates has returned with rigid content bars and a simple layout. T49 does however see a bit of the future in this template for the low temperature content containers, as they’re separated stylized circles between each days forecast data. This helps draw some notable but not distracting like an uncautious deer in dress blues browsing the toiletries isle during your shopping trip.The background is a toned down blend of color often noted in broadcast designs with some cloud elements overlaid — not forgetting the diamonds meddled into the outer fringes of the background.This template includes the following items:7 day format template (JPG, with background)5 day format template (JPG, with background)7 day format template (PNG, transparent background to insert your own background)5 day format template (PNG, transparent background to insert your own background)The background of this template by itselfPhotoshop documentUpdate (1/8/2021):Now includes a single-day tile to create forecasts in custom day lengths, if the 5 or 7 day lengths aren’t your preferred forecast length. This update includes the following files: A PNG including a single day forecast tile, with the low circle A PNG including a single day forecast tile, by itself, without the low circle A PNG of the low circle, by itselfDesigned in 2400×1400 @ 300 DPI.